How Age Affects Hearing Loss

Will my hearing loss get worse? Hearing loss is one of the most prevalent conditions which affects 1 in 6 Irish adults. Increased volume on the TV and radio are some of the more obvious signs of hearing loss. These can range from often asking others to repeat...

What is Swimmers Ear (Exostosis)?

The medical term for swimmers ear is exostosis. Symptoms include a decrease in hearing sensitivity and in many cases, more frequent ear infections. Early symptoms of Swimmers ear include water getting trapped in the ear canal after swimming. This results in debris...

How We Hear

Hearing Loss Types & Hearing Loss Causes How Hearing Works: The ear has three main parts or sections – the outer ear, middle ear, and inner ear. Each section has a specific function that allows sound waves that enter the ear to be transformed into electrical...

What is Menieres Disease?

This factsheet is part of our Ears and ear problems range. It is written for people who have. Menieres Disease and would like to find out more about their condition. Read this factsheet to find out: What is Menieres Disease? What causes Menieres Disease? What are the...